“This is my experience of using the kit after taking care of someone who had recently died.
On the third day after performing a Taharah (the ritual washing of the deceased), I used the kit for the first time. I sat down and followed the instructions. I said a prayer, lit the candle, and then placed the tamei envelope in the water. I then put some of the water on my arms as I continued to pray. I then put water onto my heart and prayed for cleansing. That is when I unexpectedly broke down in tears. It was an emotional release that took me by surprise.
When I used the kit again, it was the same reaction. The grief I felt in my heart for the person who died as well as for their family came out in my tears. It was a welcome reaction. I felt as if the burden that I had carried for the deceased was lifted off of me and I was filled with peace.