Having trouble finding a red heifer?

Drawing elements from the red heifer ritual described in Bamidbar (Numbers) 19:2, this kit has been designed to aid in the creation of purification rituals, both communal and private. Originally developed to address the needs of chevrot kadisha* by offering a meaningful way to mark the end of taharah,** these kits have proven to be a flexible tool which can be adapted to a variety of different needs. It is our hope that the kit’s contents will spark your imagination and allow you to create meaningful rituals tailored to your unique needs.

*”Holy societies” (s. chevrah kadisha) tasked with caring for the dying, the dead, and their mourners in accordance with Jewish tradition.

**The ritual cleansing and purification of the dead in preparation for burial.

Kimah Red Heifer Full Kit.jpg

The kit includes:

1) A dissolving packet containing hyssop and cedar, as the Torah prescribes. A third element, referred to only as “crimson,” is represented by the word “tamei” (impure) printed in red ink on the packet. As the packet dissolves in warm water, the fragrant contents are released and the writing disappears, signaling a transition out of impurity.

2) A hand-rolled, 100% beeswax candle, made by Beacon Bee, printed with the image of a red heifer. As we don’t condone animal sacrifice, the candle serves as a symbolic stand-in, while retaining the crucial element of fire.

3) A candle dish, a stirring stick, and an information card.